

狗不仅仅是人类最好的朋友. 有些狗在工作中有专门的工作.

We all know dogs are great companions and friends — they become a special part of our family. 宠物和他们的家庭之间的关系是很紧密的. But some dogs form bonds with humans in another way: In the workplace.


When many of us think of a dog our mind immediately goes to man's best friend who can't wait for us to come home. They're always t在这里 to keep you and your family company. These dogs make great friends and sometimes have the potential to provide comforting therapy.


Dogs can assist us in many ways by helping people live more independently. 自闭症犬被用于镇静治疗, 为盲人或聋人服务的导盲犬, 行动辅助犬, seizure alert dogs and even dogs who can detect peanut allergies.

Dogs may be trained with special skills to live and work with a disabled individual. 这些狗是典型的拉布拉多猎犬, 金毛寻回犬, 标准贵宾犬和德国牧羊犬.


正强化激励, detection dogs are trained to use their senses for searching items like explosives, 非法毒品, 枪支, 野生动物的粪便, 货币和鲜血. These dogs have an exceptional sense of smell and are even able to determine certain medical conditions such as cancer, 低血糖和检测臭虫.

  • Military ― War dogs assist in combat situations to detect bombs, track or scout. 他们有一个 成功率98% 嗅出炸弹. They can also create a bond with their partner and reduce post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms.
  • 执法部门-警犬保护他们的联络人. They can be trained to chase down suspects, find food, humans and even money. These detection dogs have jobs at airports, police stations or schools.
  • 消防—— 纵火的狗 能探测到纵火所用的助燃剂吗. 状态 Farm® has been providing support in arson dog training since 1993. The 状态 Farm Arson Dog Program has put more than 400 dogs and their partners to work in 45 states, 华盛顿, D.C. 和加拿大的三个省.
  • 搜索 and rescue ― These dogs are trained to find missing people in bad weather, 雪崩, 在荒野和水下. 在水上救援的情况下, these dogs (usually Newfoundland dogs) are trained to use their mouth to bring the person to shore.
  • 尸体-与搜救犬配合使用, cadaver dogs alert their handler to the scent of a decomposing body.
  • Truffles ― The Lagotto Romagnolo breed is trained to sniff out these rare mushrooms.


A 治疗狗 为他人提供安慰. You'll sometimes see them walking the halls in nursing homes, 医院, 临终关怀和养老院. Their purpose is to provide comfort and possibly make treatment easier. They might also visit schools to teach students about dogs. Any dog can become a 治疗狗 as long as they have the right temperament and training.


它们有着敏锐的嗅觉和听觉, guard dogs warn against danger to livestock and sometimes soldiers. 大狗或小狗都能躲避危险.


Herding dogs are born for the job to work along with humans to keep livestock such as cattle, 驯鹿和羊在检查中. Common breeds for this type of work are border collies and kelpies.

不管它们是伴侣犬还是工作犬, 他们让我们的生活变得更好. 如果你足够幸运,在你的生活中有一只狗, 状态 Farm helps make it easier for pet owners to care for their furry family members with 宠物pp王者电子官网 通过Trupanion®.

The information in this article was obtained from various sources not associated with 状态 Farm® (including 状态 Farm Mutual 汽车mobile pp王者电子官网 Company and its subsidiaries and affiliates). 虽然我们相信它是可靠和准确的, we do not warrant the accuracy or reliability of the information. 州立农场不负责, 不赞同或赞同, 隐式或显式, the content of any third party sites that might be hyperlinked from this page. 本信息不用于替代手册, instructions or information provided by a manufacturer or the advice of a qualified professional, or to affect coverage under any applicable insurance policy. These suggestions are not a complete list of every loss control measure. 状态 Farm makes no guarantees of results from use of this information.




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你的宠物在车里自由放养吗? 最好查一下当地法律,用板条箱或绳子把她拴起来.


如果你看看你的空间, you will likely find household items dangerous for dogs and things toxic to cats. 帮助 protect your pet — before they get into trouble — with these tips.


No pet owner wants the stress of a sick pet or unanticipated bills. Fortunately, pet medical insurance can help with those unexpected costs.