
Day of the Dead

Discover Day of the Dead: its traditions and its origins, 以及如何装饰你的家和安全庆祝这个11月的日子.

What is Day of the Dead?

亡灵节是墨西哥最引人注目的传统之一. 这是一个充满色彩和感情的时刻,在这个时刻,欢乐的庆祝和对那些离开我们的人的记忆融合在一起. For unlike any other part of the world, in this unique Mexican festivity, death is not only honored as in the rest of Latin America, 但它也充满喜悦地庆祝,并提醒人们,这对每个人来说都是不可避免的.

When is Day of the Dead?

Throughout the Hispanic world, 11月1日和2日是天主教教历上非常重要的日子, as the 1st is Día de Todos los Santos (All Saints' Day) and the 2nd is Día de los Fieles Difuntos (Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed or All Souls' Day). In Mexico, just like in other parts of Central America, both dates are celebrated together as Day of the Dead, a celebration that integrates ancient, deeply-rooted Christian and pre-Hispanic traditions.

Day of the Dead altars

According to the ancient Mexicas and Aztecs, 我们所爱的人的灵魂可以在亡灵节那天回来看望我们(这一天过去是在其他日子庆祝的,随着天主教的出现而被移到了11月)。. In order to entice them and make them feel welcome, people put together altars displaying photos of their loved ones, personal keepsakes, their favorite food and beverages, crosses, candles, and they scatter the orange and yellow-colored petals of cempasúchil (Aztec or Mexican marigold — a type of carnation), 为幽灵勾勒路线,这样他们就不会迷路,可以到达目的地.

Celebrating in the streets

Also in keeping with tradition, most towns in Mexico set up bustling, colorful stalls leading up to the celebration that sell pan de muerto (专门为这个场合准备的传统甜面包),玉米粉蒸肉,小墨西哥 calaveritas (装饰像头骨的糖果)用糖和巧克力做成的, handcrafted adornments and so on. Late in the 20th century, the colorful, handmade alebrijes were added, representing mythical creatures, as well as Catrines and Catrinas, 哪些是穿着优雅的男人和女人的骨架:提醒人们面对死亡, we are all equal.

What is pan de muerto?

Pan de muerto is a traditional Mexican bread that is sold beginning in October; it is often found on altars and used as an offering for the deceased. It is round, 在顶部有交叉的骨头下面的圆圈-代表一个头骨-由酥皮糕点. Typically, it comes sprinkled with sugar.

Is Day of the Dead the same as Halloween?

No. 尽管万圣节在全世界的影响如此之大, 在墨西哥,他们多年来一直在一起庆祝这两个节日. 重要的是要记住,亡灵节的目的不是为了吓唬活着的人, 而是让我们更接近来世——那个我们迟早都要去的地方. Nevertheless, they both do seem similar, 因为很多人在两个节日里都盛装打扮,化妆.

Will Day of the Dead one day stop being celebrated?

It's highly improbable. 尽管许多人担心万圣节会削弱墨西哥亡灵节的重要性, 得益于好莱坞大片,过去几年的情况正好相反, like Disney's Coco, and especially the 2015 James Bond film Spectre, which was filmed right in the heart of Mexico City. In the latter film, 在电影上映后,墨西哥当局每年都试图效仿电影开场时的壮观游行, and this has become a major tourist attraction, drawing millions of visitors. In similar fashion, other Mexican cities organize processions and parades featuring floats; this is also happening more and more in some U.S. 拥有大量墨西哥裔人口的城市, like Los Angeles, Chicago or San Antonio, where an impressive parade of barges displaying Catrinas takes place on the city's Riverwalk.

Can I also celebrate Day of the Dead?

Of course. It all comes down to what you personally find inspiring. Whether it's putting up an altar at home, or donning a Catrina costume with makeup, it all sounds like good fun. Furthermore, 庆祝亡灵节是一个很好的机会——不仅仅是一个与家人和朋友团聚的机会, but also to honor the memory of those who have departed.

Celebrating safely

无论你决定在家里庆祝亡灵节,安全是很重要的, whether you are preparing food, hosting a celebration at home or putting together an altar. 不要忘记查看Simple Insights®的其他文章,这样你就可以 celebrate safely ——不仅仅是这个节日,而是整个假期,包括 Thanksgiving. 找出更多关于什么家庭pp王者电子官网可以为你做在面对不确定性, 或者了解更多pg电子官方网页版提供的所有pp王者电子官网选择, be sure to get in touch with a State Farm agent.

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