Business owner reviewing types of insurance for 小型企业 on her laptop.


Review different types of insurance for 小型企业 owners and other important planning tips.

无论你是 做兼职 or employing hundreds, you’re investing valuable time and expertise in your 小型企业. 当你专注于自己的目标时, you should also consider what you’ll lose if you’re hacked, 受伤的, sued or faced with any number of other business financial realities.

A business financial checklist can be a great starting place to figure out options to help you save and protect your financial future. 这里有一些开始的想法.



在符合条件的州, individual health insurance provides the essential benefits required under the Affordable Care Act. You might also qualify for supplemental insurance to help pay for things not covered by your primary health insurance policy, 比如免赔额, 私人值班护士费, 额外的交通和意外的儿童照顾. 这可能对每个人都有帮助 那些没有pp王者电子官网的人 通过另一个雇主或团体.


Short-term and long-term disability covers some of your income to help pay bills, 按揭付款或租金, 杂货和汽车付款, 如果你完全残疾了 由于受伤或疾病.


This insurance provides income to named beneficiaries when you pass away. It can also be used to pay taxes and other transfer expenses, as well as satisfy debt. 商业生活 financial products such as the Buy-Sell Agreement and Key Employee pp王者电子官网 can help ensure 业务连续性 如果你或你的重要员工出了什么事.


职业责任 insurance protects your business and personal assets in the event of covered claims or lawsuits claiming negligence or failure to perform professional services. This insurance is also known as malpractice or errors and omissions insurance and can help businesses that provide services, 建议或指导, 比如会计, 广告公司, 评估人员, 簿记员, 经纪人, 医生, 工程师, 活动策划, 理发师, 美容师, 牙医, 理财规划师, pp王者电子官网代理人, 律师和作家.


因为这是大多数州的要求, obtaining this type of insurance as soon as an employee is hired can be a good idea. If your employee gets 受伤的 or dies as a result of their job, workers’ compensation insurance provides benefits that can help cover medical treatment, 持续的关心, 补偿损失的工资或丧葬费用.


A business insurance policy covers your building and other structures w在这里 you work or store business property, 并涵盖诸如库存之类的项目, 家具, 电脑, tools and equipment that could be stolen or lost in a fire or other covered loss. You can also purchase coverage for a business 车辆, mobile equipment and tools. 这种类型的pp王者电子官网可能会帮助零售商, 办公室, 分销商, 餐馆老板, 房东, contractors and a range of nonprofit and for-profit businesses, 无论是在家里还是在外面.



Do you know what is going to happen to your business in the event of your death? 照顾好你未来的生意 继任计划 在适当的位置. The plan will indicate your wishes to sell the business or name a partner, family member or perhaps an employee to take over the responsibilities.


为你的公司制定一个计划是很重要的 保存和分配财产 在你死前和死后. Among its goals: provide cash payment for estate expenses; provide income to your family members; provide for the disposition of a business at death; distribute assets to family members and other heirs in a tax-efficient manner; and aid in financial planning for an individual with special needs.

The information in this article was obtained from various sources not associated with 状态 Farm® (including 状态 Farm Mutual 汽车mobile pp王者电子官网 Company and its subsidiaries and affiliates). 虽然我们相信它是可靠和准确的, we do not warrant the accuracy or reliability of the information. 州立农场不负责, 不赞同或赞同, 隐式或显式, the content of any third party sites that might be hyperlinked from this page. 本信息不用于替代手册, instructions or information provided by a manufacturer or the advice of a qualified professional, or to affect coverage under any applicable insurance policy. These suggestions are not a complete list of every loss control measure. 状态 Farm makes no guarantees of results from use of this information.

Neither 状态 Farm nor its agents provide tax or legal advice.




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Homebased businesses might require 小型企业 insurance since homeowners may not cover business needs.


Wills and trusts are an important part of estate planning. W在这里ver you are in the planning process, know your options.


You have a good amount saved up, but what will taxes and inflation do to your nest egg? 用我们的退休所得税计算器找出答案.


Understanding how life insurance works can help you plan for the future of your loved ones or help protect your business.