Fire fighters at the top of a ladder preparing to put out a house fire with dark smoke exiting the roof.


Consider these tips to help you and your family recover after a house fire.

After suffering a house fire, it might be difficult to determine what to do next. 这些建议可能会帮助你重新站起来:

  • 找一个安全的地方待着. Depending on the amount of damage, you might not be able to stay in your own home. 如果你不能和朋友或家人住在一起, 和当地的救灾机构谈谈, 比如美国红十字会或救世军. These organizations can help you find a place to stay temporarily.
  • 让家人和朋友知道你很安全. As word gets out that you’ve had a house fire, family and friends may be concerned. 当你有时间的时候,试着联系他们.
  • 联系你的pp王者电子官网代理人. 你需要 提出索赔 解决你眼前的需求. 如果需要, your agent may issue an advance for "Loss of use" from your insurance 政策 to cover living and other daily expenses. 如果你收到索赔的预付款, 保存所有收据,并详细记录所有采购. 你的 pp王者电子官网代理人 should also be able to help you secure your property and offer recommendations for cleaning up or restoring salvageable items.
  • 如果你租房子,打电话给房东. Notify your landlord about the house fire if they aren’t already aware. T在这里 may be actions they need to take to help address the damage.
  • 保护你的家. Even though your home is damaged and you may not be able to stay t在这里, you typically have the responsibility as the owner to help protect it from further risk — such as weather and unlawful entry.
  • 照顾好你的宠物. Consider getting your pets checked by a veterinarian after a fire. 你的 pets' lungs may be damaged by smoke, and burns can hide under fur.
  • 去拿一份火灾报告. 你通常可以从当地的消防部门得到火灾报告. The report may be helpful in providing information for your insurance agency.
  • 拍照. 在安全的情况下,拍下损坏的物品. This can help you document what needs to be replaced before it is possibly damaged further or removed from your home.
  • 解决你的财务问题. Even if your home is destroyed, you may need to continue making your mortgage payment. You might also need to continue any car payments and replace any credit or debit cards that may have been destroyed in the house fire.
  • 更换丢失的文件. If you don’t get a chance to grab important documents like passports, 事先准备好出生证和结婚证, 它们需要被替换. 如果文件是 安全你一被允许回家就试着检查一下.
  • 扔掉损坏的物品. 当你决定要扔掉什么时, 把重点放在塑料之类的物品上, /盒装食品罐头, 医药卫生用品, that may have been exposed to fire and could be contaminated by smoke and soot. 拍照 of the things you discard for documentation purposes.
  • 找回你的财物. 在房屋火灾中被烧毁的物品可以投保. 一般来说,房主政策是 重置成本 政策. 在这种情况下, 损失发生了, you will receive the actual cash value of your damaged items at the time of settlement and may recover the 重置成本 once the items have been replaced. 为了说明一切,考虑a 家里的库存 你的财产. 一份完整的存货清单通常包括购买日期, 每件物品的购买成本和说明.
  • 做好修理的记录,并在路上写笔记. As you go through the process of restoring your home, a lot of information will be discussed. 你可能还会收到很多收据. Using a binder or folder may help you keep track of these types of documents.
  • 更新邮寄地址. 如果你知道你要离开家一段时间,考虑一下 跟邮局更改地址. This can help ensure that you’ll still receive your mail during this time.
  • 照顾好你家人的心理健康. 灾难会让人难以应对. 对儿童来说尤其如此. Be patient with yourself as you work through any stress caused by the fire. 如果你或你的家人有困难应对, 寻求支持.

在你发现自己失去亲人之前, 了解你的pp王者电子官网政策及其条款是很有帮助的 pp王者电子官网. Reviewing it ahead of time might help you know what to expect if a loss occurs — and what your responsibilities may be.


We are dedicated to help you recover your losses quickly and efficiently. If you have a 状态 Farm® claim that involves significant personal property damage, you can use 内容清单辅助工具 我们可以指导您在您的损失恢复.


Once complete, your damaged personal property list can be sent to us via claims hub and/or email. Adjustments and additions to your inventory can also be made after submission.


The information in this article was obtained from various sources not associated with 状态 Farm® (including 状态 Farm Mutual 汽车mobile pp王者电子官网 Company and its subsidiaries and affiliates). 虽然我们相信它是可靠和准确的, 我们不保证信息的准确性或可靠性. 州立农场不负责, 不赞同或赞同, 隐式或显式, the content of any third party sites that might be hyperlinked from this page. 本信息不用于替代手册, instructions or information provided by a manufacturer or the advice of a qualified professional, 或影响任何适用pp王者电子官网单的承保范围. These suggestions are not a complete list of every loss control measure. 状态 Farm makes no guarantees of results from use of this information.







T在这里’s one ready to offer personalized service to fit your specific needs.



家中可能需要多个烟雾探测器. 阅读不同的类型.


毁灭性的家庭火灾太常见了. By taking fire precautions at home, you could help prevent the fire before it starts.


Make a home fire evacuation plan to be better prepared in case of a fire. Teach your kids how to avoid smoke inhalation, escape to 安全ty and understand fire hazards.


家中的火灾会给你的家庭和财产带来巨大的破坏. Increase your fire preparedness with these basic fire prevention tips.