

帮助 keep your connected home protected with these security tips.

Today's homes feature a large number of devices connected to the internet — everything from kitchen appliances and smart thermostats to light bulbs and always-on security cameras. While t在这里's convenience to being able to turn off forgotten lights, save energy by reducing usage when no one is home or monitor who comes and goes no matter what time of day, 联网家庭设备 也会造成安全问题吗.

Cyber security protocols aren't nearly as strong for home devices as what you would find on a laptop or smartphone. 而且因为它们连上了互联网, these devices are a potential doorway into your laptop and smartphone if they're on the same network. 一旦有, 网络窃贼可以获取你的身份信息, 银行凭证, 信用卡号码和其他个人信息. 的 联邦贸易委员会 (FTC) estimates that nine million Americans have their identity stolen each year.


  • 尽量少使用智能设备. Take an inventory of the digital entry points into your home and consider consolidating. 只使用那些你需要的设备.
  • 确保你的家庭网络安全. Take some time and learn the different settings on your modem and router, 你家庭网络的中心. T在这里 are multiple options for Wi-Fi encryption, each with their own benefits.
    1. 通常推荐使用WPA2 (Wi-Fi Protected Access II).
    2. WPA and WEP are sometimes susceptible to brute-force type attacks.
  • 修改所有默认密码. Do this immediately, before you attach any computer or smart device to your home network. 确保你使用的是 每个设备的强且唯一的密码.
  • 禁用对路由器管理界面的互联网访问. Most home users do not need to change the modem or router's settings from outside the home.
  • 使用防火墙. Most routers at home act as a firewall by constantly monitoring traffic to block unexpected, 不需要的或特别恶意的流量. Even though the small computers inside your smart devices may not be capturing sensitive or personal information, they are an entry point so they should be behind a firewall.
  • 使用来宾网络选项. This allows guests to connect to your home network while not opening access to your personal devices. You can also use the guest network for connected home gadgets that you want separate from your personal network used for your computer, 电话和打印机. 大多数家用路由器都有访客网络选项. 通过连接你的家用设备, a compromised refrigerator won't be the gateway for someone to move on to your banking.
  • 考虑多因素身份验证. 不要仅仅依靠密码来保证你的设备安全. 检查一下你的系统是否提供 双因素身份验证, 这为登录过程增加了额外的安全层, 例如安全密钥或通过文本接收的一次性代码. 即使黑客能够窃取你的密码, 你的手机被黑客入侵的可能性要小得多.
  • 考虑禁用Wi-Fi保护设置. A rarely used feature designed to allow for easy device setup on a home network with a simple PIN, 一些实现存在严重的安全缺陷.
  • 定期更新. Just as you would update your computer or tablet, do the same for home devices. Vulnerabilities are found all the time in the software and firmware, and regular updates provide the necessary protection against them.
  • 使用防病毒和反恶意软件. Make sure this is loaded on all your computers in your home and those guests might bring into your home.

的 information in this article was obtained from various sources not associated with 状态 Farm® (including 状态 Farm Mutual 汽车mobile pp王者电子官网 Company and its subsidiaries and affiliates). 虽然我们相信它是可靠和准确的, we do not warrant the accuracy or reliability of the information. 州立农场不负责, 不赞同或赞同, 隐式或显式, the content of any third party sites that might be hyperlinked from this page. 本信息不用于替代手册, instructions or information provided by a manufacturer or the advice of a qualified professional, or to affect coverage under any applicable insurance policy. 的se suggestions are not a complete list of every loss control measure. 状态 Farm makes no guarantees of results from use of this information.




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云计算具有独特的网络安全风险. 阅读更多关于云的内容, 云计算提供商, 安全的云和强密码.