

Learn ways you can start saving for college now such as 529, Coverdell & 给未成年人的校服礼物以及大学的平均费用.

A college degree can help provide greater lifetime earnings 和 career opportunities. 然而, 不管你处在人生的哪个阶段, finding 和 underst和ing ways to pay for college might feel overwhelming.

Grants, scholarships 和 savings have traditionally opened the doors to a college education. Stafford loans, Perkins loans 和 加上贷款 may give families additional flexibility. But while grants 和 scholarships do not have to be repaid, student loans do. 避免贷款和保持无债务的一个方法是 尽早开始为大学储蓄. Those savings can be from the parent, family or what the child has set aside for college. 你越早开始,你的钱就有越多的时间增长.

这里有一些方法可以帮助你节省和支付高等教育的费用, 其中大多数学生使用两个或两个以上的组合. We have also provided a snapshot of college costs — along with earning potential.



529个大学储蓄计划 是为了鼓励家庭为大学储蓄的吗. 第529节 of the Internal Revenue Code allows for qualified tuition programs; to help offset future college costs. 529计划允许更大的供款金额 比大多数其他选择都好,而且你还能保持对资产的控制. 根据教育数据.组织, 529计划的平均储蓄金额 is $26,783.

捐款可能有资格获得所得税减免或抵免. 如果你从合格的教育费用中扣除资金, 供款和收入可以免税提取. 即使 有529计划的孩子不会去上大学在美国,529计划仍然可以得到很好的利用. If the beneficiary does not go to college or other secondary education, t在这里 may be options to maintain the tax qualification status of contributions 和 earnings. 就你的选择向你的税务规划专家咨询.


A Coverdell ESA is a trust or custodial account that allows you to set aside up to $2,000 per year (from birth to the child's 18th birthday) for qualified educational expenses. Assets in the account must be used by the time the beneficiary turns 30 (with a few exceptions), 但你仍然控制着账户.

看看如何 像Coverdell和529这样的大学储蓄计划比较.

Uniform Gift to Minors Act (UGMA) or Uniform Transfer to Minors Act (UTMA)

这些 礼品保管账户 是否为了未成年人的利益而持有和保护资产. Although federal gift tax will apply to contributions over a certain amount, 基本上没有 贡献限制. Assets can be used for any reason at any time for the benefit of the named beneficiary 和 the beneficiary gains control of the assets at the age of maturity (18 to 21 years old, 取决于各州). 资产可以用来支付教育费用, 但是因为资产被认为是受益人的收入, 这可能会对经济援助产生很大的影响.



According to the most recent issue (years 2020-21) by the National Center for Education Statistics, 85%的第一次, 四年制全日制本科学生 接受经济援助. 请填写 免费申请联邦学生资助 (FAFSA) 和 discuss options with your institution's financial aid office. 根据你的需要,一个方面可以是校园 联邦工作研究 工作.


奖学金有很多种类型, 学生可以从做一些简单的研究中受益. 奖学金分为成绩、经济需要或类别. 你可以通过与高中辅导员交谈来了解更多, 你可以向你选择的大学的经济援助办公室或咨询美国大学.S. 劳工部的 免费奖学金搜索工具.


这些贷款通常提供固定利率和可变利率, 但还款选择就不那么灵活了. Read the fine print, including whether repayment levels are tied to income.


这些 may be cheaper 和 have more repayment flexibility than private loans. Interest rates are fixed, meaning they won't change over the life of the loan. T在这里 are also options for parents, such as Parent Loan for Undergraduate Students — 加上贷款.


根据美国.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 42% of full-time students 和 81% of part-time students 一年中至少有一段时间在工作 在2022年上大学时. Consider asking your tax planning professional about eligibility for credits or deductions.


有几种经济援助可以提供给那些是 国民警卫队,退伍军人或现役军人. 这些福利不仅延伸到应征入伍的人, 但其中一些好处也会传给他们的孩子.

  • 学费援助
  • 学费补助充值计划
  • 9/11后退伍军人法案
  • 蒙哥马利退伍军人法案-现役
  • 蒙哥马利退伍军人法案-精选预备役
  • 偿还贷款(LRP)
  • 幸存者和家属教育援助计划(DEA)
  • 勤工俭学
  • 辅导援助计划

Some of the education benefits offered by the military can cover tuition in its entirety.


四年制大学的费用通常包括学费, 费用, 还有食宿, 但也要考虑书籍和其他费用的额外费用. 一些文科或理科专业增加了供应成本. 下面提供的平均费用来自 collegedata.com.

学杂费: 学费是大学对教学收取的费用. 每所大学的学费差别很大, 用来支持库之类的东西, 体育设施或其他校园俱乐部和组织. 2022-2023年大学学杂费的平均成本是:

  • 公立大学(州内):10,940美元
  • 公立大学(州外):28,240美元
  • 私立大学:39,400美元

食宿: 的 cost for room 和 board varies depending on the school 和 the type of 食物 plan you choose. 2022-2023年的平均食宿费用为:

  • 公立大学:12310美元
  • 私立大学:$14,030

书籍及用品: 的 average 2022-2023 costs for college books 和 supplies at both public 和 private colleges is $1,240.


的 numbers surrounding student loans vary by the type of college attended, 但下面显示了一些平均值.


托儿费用之间, 食物, 服装, 课程和偶尔的假期, 许多父母发现为大学存钱很有挑战性. 将一些 轻松偿还债务策略 can go a long way towards lowering household debt 和 putting family finances on a more solid foundation.

我们希望这对你有所启发 你的孩子为上大学而存钱 -你会的 策划大学访问选择合适的大学 不知不觉中! 一旦你的学生完成了大学学业,那就结账吧 快速偿还学生贷款的方法 以及免除公共服务贷款.

的 information in this article was obtained from various sources not associated with 状态 Farm® (including 状态 Farm Mutual 汽车mobile pp王者电子官网 Company 和 its subsidiaries 和 affiliates). 虽然我们相信它是可靠和准确的, 我们不保证信息的准确性或可靠性. 州立农场不负责, 不赞同或赞同, 隐式或显式, the content of any third party sites that might be hyperlinked from this page. 本信息不用于替代手册, instructions or information provided by a manufacturer or the advice of a qualified professional, 或影响任何适用pp王者电子官网单的承保范围. 这些 suggestions are not a complete list of every loss control measure. 状态 Farm makes no guarantees of results from use of this information.

在投资529计划之前, 考虑计划的投资目标, 风险, 指控, 和费用. 联系 the plan issuer for an official statement containing this 和 other information. 仔细阅读.

Investors should consider before investing whether their or their beneficiary's home state offers any state tax or other state benefits such as financial aid, 奖学金基金, 和 protection from creditors that are only available for investments in such state's qualified tuition program 和 should consult their tax advisor, 律师和/或其他法律顾问, 投资或税务情况.

证券不受FDICpp王者电子官网, 不是银行担保,有投资风险吗, 包括可能的本金损失.

由状态 Farm VP管理公司发行的证券.

状态 Farm及其代理人都不提供税务或法律建议.





T在这里’s one ready to offer personalized service to fit your specific needs.



A 529 education savings plan is a tax-favored program operated by a state designed to help families save for future education costs.


You or any other family member can give the gift of education by opening a 529 or other college savings plan account specifically for future higher education expenses.




帮助 your child find the right scholarships, know their deadlines, 和 submit a strong application.