

是的,你确实需要学习如何保养轮胎. 这六个简单的任务只需要几分钟.

1. 对你的业余爱好了解一点(或很多)

有时被称为a 甜甜圈, a spare tire is designed to get you out of a pinch: You've gotten a flat or a tire blows out and you need to get your car home or to a repair shop. That's why it's often smaller than your 车辆's traditional tires. A spare tire isn't designed to be a permanent replacement and may even have miles-per-hour speed limitations.

Most spares are located either in the trunk or under the rear of the 车辆. 有些汽车可能在外部有备用的. Typically, a spare includes the jack to take off the old tire and attach the new one. 即使你有 紧急路边服务知道你的备胎在哪里 它是如何工作的 can help you in case you're somew在这里 w在这里 you can't access a professional and need to fix your 车辆 quickly.

2. 注意车辆轮胎的细节

如果你打开驾驶座的侧门,看看门框, you might see a sticker; that's w在这里 most 车辆s supply the manufacturer-recommended tire pressure and the measurements for tire size and 车辆 overall weight capacity. 如果你在检查胎压,不确定目标是什么, 检查一下你的用户手册.

3. 学习如何使用轮胎计

一般来说, 轮胎每月损失约1磅(每平方英寸磅)如果充气不足,你的汽油里程可能会受到影响. 轮胎量规会有所帮助. Here's how to use a tire pressure gauge: remove the valve cap from the tire and place the gauge's open end on the tire's valve; apply pressure until the hissing stops; a bar that measures psi will push out from the gauge; read the measurement unit on the bar closest to the gauge – that's your psi. However, try not to measure psi on tires that have recently been driven. 为了最准确的阅读, 检查冷胎气压, which simply means checking tires that haven't been driven for about three hours.

4. 了解车辆的低胎压警报

T在这里 are all sorts of sensors — low fuel and battery to name just a couple — that your 车辆 offers up when it needs a little love and attention. 幸运的是你(和你的轮胎) 2008年及以上车辆 have a monitoring system that issue an alert when the tire pressure on one or more tires falls below 25 percent of its recommended psi. 光几乎是一个环绕的感叹号. When it comes on, check the psi of each tire and fill to the recommended level.

5. 最后,便士的用法

Tires do have a life span — generally about three or four years with average mileage use of about 10,000 to 15,000英里. T在这里's a quick way to test how close your tires might be to replacement. 只要把一枚硬币,林肯的头朝下,放进一个胎面. 如果轮胎盖住了他的头发,那就可以开车了. Or, 你的轮胎可能有一个内置的磨损指示器, which is a raised section that runs down over time to indicate the need for replacement.

6. 把轮胎轮换也列入你的待办事项清单

Unless your 车辆 is an outlier with differently sized front and back wheels, 你的轮胎需要每隔5分钟更换一次,000 to 8,000英里, 根据 《pp王者电子官网》. 帮助均匀分配磨损, the front ones need to go on the back and the back ones need to move to the front. At the same time as your tires are rotated, ask your mechanic to check your tire alignment, too.

Watch the video below to learn more about keeping up with your tires.




The information in this article was obtained from various sources not associated with 状态 Farm® (including 状态 Farm Mutual 汽车mobile pp王者电子官网 Company and its subsidiaries and affiliates). 虽然我们相信它是可靠和准确的, 我们不保证信息的准确性或可靠性. 州立农场不负责, 不赞同或赞同, 隐式或显式, the content of any third party sites that might be hyperlinked from this page. 本信息不用于替代手册, instructions or information provided by a manufacturer or the advice of a qualified professional, 或影响任何适用pp王者电子官网单的承保范围. These suggestions are not a complete list of every loss control measure. 状态 Farm makes no guarantees of results from use of this information.




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Know the tires you need for winter driving, and how to maintain them for increased tire safety.


汽车 repairs cost drivers $1,118 per year on average, but some can be done at home.


On the road or in the garage, t在这里 are simple things you can do to maintain your car.


Maintaining proper tire pressure is vital to safe and economic driving.